Friday, September 5, 2008

New differences between development domain and production domain in 10gR3

During domain creation you can specify the start up mode for your domain either as development mode of production mode. Most of you who work with WebLogic Server for the past few releases should know that there are few differences between a development domain and production domain. (

Development Mode
The default JDK for development domain is Sun Hotspot
You can use the demo certificates for SSL
Auto deployment is enabled
Server instances rotate their log files on startup
Admin Server uses an automatically created during startup
The default maximum capacity for JDBC Datasource is 15
The debugFlag which is used to start the WebLogic Workshop Debugger is enabled

Production Mode
The default JDK for production domain is JRockit
If you use the demo certificates for SSL a warning is displayed
Auto deployment is disabled
Server instances rotate their log files when it reaches 5MB
Admin Server prompts for username and password during startup
The default maximum capacity for JDBC Datasource is 25
The debugFlag which is used to start the WebLogic Workshop Debugger is disabled

In addition to the above WebLogic Server 10gR3 adds a few more default configurations depending on whether the domain is started in development or production mode.


  1. in Production mode is there a way to modify the start scripts to NOT prompt for user/password?

    I tried using and got this error:

    "Parsing Failure in config.xml: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: In production mode, it's not allowed to set a clear text value to the property: PasswordEncrypted of ServerStartMBean"

  2. The error you are getting is not because of the file OR the startup username/password. Please refer to my other blog entry for more info -

  3. I think Oracle should ditch the production/development mode settings as they are today.

    The only thing we really care about is wether autodeploy is working or not. So please name this parameter "autodeploy=true/false".

    All the rest is just cosmetics:
    How do you know 15 is a good value for the number of connections in a connection pool? You need to run a load test. Does it make sense to change this when going into production? No, because no one knows if 25 is any better. Performance might be even worse! To conclude: a change in these default settings is not helpful even dangerous. If you are worried about log rotation then go and change it but do not rely on production mode. At least you should not expect that production mode improves anything.

    Also people believe they could just set their production domains to "production" and all other domains to "development" but also this is nonsense. This means your production domain behaves differently than the others. Not good for testing at all. So maybe you decide to set all domains to "production" except the development one? Well, again I believe believe Eclipse/Workshop is fine with a production domain anyway.

    Even worse this seems to change from version to version. Anybody remember how the behaviour in WLS 8.1 was?

    IMHO this needs to be reworked after listening to those people who operate hundreds/thousands of weblogic domains.

    best wishes,


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  13. Hi, i'm using jasper report for generating pdf reports in web app. In that pdf i need to display a logo(image) in the pdf. This passing of image location i'm doing dynamically through jsp as a request parameter.

    when i tried this in weblogic development domain it worked fine and the report was generated but when i tried this in production domain, it throws a exception. I'm guessing that this is because of difference b/w weblogic development domain and production domain.
    Can u pls tell me what could be the problem.
